For CSOs


How do we get to a European Civil Society Strategy? - Brussels event report

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Recognition of the crucial role for democracy of the civil society should be acknowledged at European level rather sooner than later. National civil society organisations, European networks of CSOs, representatives of EU institutions and EEA & Norway Grants gathered on 28 June 2022 to discuss how do we get to a European civil Society Strategy.

Webinar: Pruning of decorative trees and shrubs in urban areas


The third and final part of the webinar series dedicated to the tree care in urban areas goes through issues related to the pruning: schemes illustrating the correct methods of shaping the crowns, the appropriate cutting techniques and tools, the time of year when this care has to be performed, how to distinguish right from wrong practices in order to signal the authorities.

Small homelands - the stories of the women citizens


Film "Small homelands - the stories of Lanckorona & Rabka women citizens" tells about small citizen initiatives undertaken by women leaders from two micro-regions of Southern Poland - Lanckorona and Rabka-Zdroj. The leaders describe what values accompany them in their work for local communities, such as: joint creation and partnership, community organizations, ties and relationships, inter-generation relationships, paying attention to the environment, sensitiveness, small homeland, harmony of nature and culture. (in Polish with English subtitles)

There is no freedom without active citizens in Hungary - videoreport about the grassroots "Eleven Közösségek"


People who live in the local community must also take action to bring change to a settlement - says Krisztina Jakab Jakab, community organiser of Eleven Gyál. Our project partner, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ), has been providing legal support to the "Eleven Gyál" group for years: not only have they helped them with the OLAF case, which has become known across Europe, but they have also advised them on other important local issues. The results of Eleven Gyál were an inspiration to the people of Vecsés, and Eleven Vecsés was soon formed. The Eleven Communities are now working together to fight for clean drinking water in and around the two municipalities, and they want to expand their movement across the country. If you want to do something for your community and need help, contact TASZ!