
"Peace is impossible until every country in the region gives up nationalism" - Belgrade conference summary


Around 70 people from the Western Balkans, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic attended the “Truths that are denied” regional conference. The conference gathered journalist, activists, CSOs and nonformal movements as well as speakers from the Western Balkan region around the topics of transitional justice, shrinking civic and public space, the spread of propaganda and media freedoms.

„A youth club would be an important part of the village” – the story of Zsombor


Zsombor Sipos is one of the people involved in the local community orginizing work of our project "Reclaim Our Civil Space!" The project runs in 8 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, and while the local coordinators always respond to local needs, these have one thing in common: they support the creation of a civic space, where people take control of their own life and live up to their potential. Zsombor is 15 years old and lives in a village called Kölked in Hungary, where a strong local community has been formed with the help of Ökotárs Foundation's community organizers. Zsombor has plans to make the village a better place for the young people who live there.