Фонд „Партньорство“


Fundusz Partnerstwa, the Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation supports community initiatives for sustainable development based on natural and cultural heritage undertaken by the citizens, civil society organizations, schools and other institutions. We encourage local communities to undertake and implement initiatives which promote important sustainable solutions and protect the natural and cultural heritage. These initiatives improve the area, the quality of life and they lead change the management of environmental and social resources. Our goals are achieved in cooperation with companies, non-governmental organizations and public institutions. Main themes of activities include: environmental education, sustainable cities and villages, eco-democracy as well as sustainable tourism and heritage management. 

Our role in the Reclaim Our Civil Space project is to involve active local communities in sustainable development. The foundation organizes trainings & knowledge sharing workshops for civil society actors in Poland and a cross-border seminar on “Sustainable tourism and heritage interpretation - the role of local communities”. The events are based on the concept of “Academy of Active Citizens and Leaders”, dedicated to upgrade leadership skills of CSO activists. Main topics of the trainings include: mobilization and citizen involvement, local democracy, environmental issues, local heritage and identity and we use various methods, such as: strengthening leadership skills, exchange of good practices, models and tools (also international), women empowerment, intergenerational cooperation etc.