Local Communities for Heritage: Good Practices in Central Europe

poland conference

The international conference (29th of March) is devoted to inspiring initiatives of local community leaders acting in the field of cultural and natural heritage of their small homelands. We will discuss heritage as a unique value for local communities that connects generations and crosses the borders. We will present good practices from Central Europe, Poland and the cross-border Polish-Czech region of the Cieszyn/Těšín Silesia. We will talk about innovative ways to interpret and preserve the heritage and the development of ecotourism. We will also pay attention to the role of women - leaders in using heritage for local development, improving the quality of life and sensitizing to the beauty inherent in culture, nature and landscape. Everything will take place in the form of lectures, interviews and debates with interesting, inspiring people - creators of unique ideas and projects. The effect of the conference will be the signing of the Central European Declaration on the role of community sustainable tourism in the protection and preservation of heritage. The study tour (30th of March) is planned as an eco-travel around the Cieszyn/Těšín Silesia region. We will learn about heritage community initiatives, meet the leaders and get to know the places where they work and create inspiring ideas.

Language: English