Partnership Academy – 6th convention and training

partnership academy

6th Training and Convention of the Partnership Academy will be held in Cieszyn 31st of March-1st of April. The main topic of the event is: „Communicating and conducting information activities in communities”.

The Partnership Academy is aimed at local leaders and activists working for the benefit of communities related to the non-governmental sector. Participants will gain knowledge and competences using unconventional tools, new methods of local activities that build bonds and responsibility for the common good.

Important elements of the Partnership Academy are:
Interactivity, exchange of experiences and good practices, organization of conventions in various places and contexts in Poland, access to knowledge developed by an international team from Central Europe and Norway.

What is the idea behind the project?
The concept of the Academy is based on the multidimensional meaning of the word PARTNERSHIP in the space of civic activities. PARTNERSHIP is cooperation, building bonds between people and generations. Empathy towards another person, their views and priorities. PARTNERSHIP is also awareness of the surroundings and the local community in all its diversity. It is sensitivity and respect for man and nature. By introducing changes for the better around us, we change the whole world in small steps. Today we need a new approach and vision of a world where human well-being is achieved with respect for the environment and human rights.

Language of the event: Polish