Cinema Premiere of Small Homelands in Poland!

poland cinema premiere

Cinema premiere: "Small homelands - the stories of Lanckorona & Rabka women citizens"

18th of September 2022 the documentary "Small homelands - the stories of Lanckorona & Rabka women citizens" had cinema premiere in the Municipal Center of Culture and Sport in Chełmek as a part of the Folklore Meetings on the Przemsza River. The event was organized by the member of the Partnership Academy - Martyna Paluchiewiecz-Łabaj and the Partnership Academy Ambassador - Waldemar Rudyk as part of the Reclaim Our Civil Space project.

The film tells about small citizen initiatives undertaken by women leaders from two micro-regions of Southern Poland - Lanckorona and Rabka-Zdroj. The leaders describe what values accompany them in their work for local communities, such as: joint creation and partnership, community organizations, ties and relationships, inter-generation relationships, paying attention to the environment, sensitiveness, small homeland, harmony of nature and culture. 

Watch the documentary (with English subtitles)
